A tribute to Brax: The girl who was simply “it”.

6 min readNov 25, 2020
Photo by Darek Walker

It’s something I’ll never forget. I remember scrolling through Twitter aimlessly. One of my Twitter mutuals was tweeting distraughtly, vaguely mentioning how they hated that “she died.” When I checked their previous tweets to see what girl “she” was, I instantly regretted it, so many waves of shock hit me. Their previous tweets Informed me that 21-year-old Braxton “Brax” Baker was dead. It didn't seem real at all. All I could say was “No”, one after the other.

Death, at least for her didn't make sense to me. Especially not now. I felt like she had too much life to live or at least was not deserving of it, as silly as it may sound. It then turned into hours upon hours of me scrolling through thousands of tweets, all sharing mutual shock with the world.

Not only was Brax a dancer, but she was a rapper, singer, choreographer, creative director, well-known fashionista, stylist, model. You name it, nine times out of ten, she had done it and done it masterfully.

Photo by Erykah Scales

I first encountered Brax’s social media presence in 2016. During this time everyone knew her as “Braxattacks”, the dancer and fashionista. She even created the “stick and move” dance…




A music and design junkie writing deeply for myself.